How to Grow Your Business in 2022

Three Musts for Growing Your Small Business in 2022

As the U.S. economy focuses on an enormous post-pandemic rebuild, the small business sector is thrust into the limelight. Small businesses are critical to the common cause of economic and employment recovery. For small businesses to contribute to economic growth however, individual businesses must find new ways to grow in ever-uncertain times. Consequently, it’s time to think outside the box, or at least view the box with a fresh perspective.

Listen to your clientele 

Cliché of cliché’s, the idea of listening to your customer is as old as the small business itself. However, any small business this side of Mayberry, will find that this is easier said than done. Especially when you don’t have a personal relationship or operate on a first name with every customer, reminds us that a one-size-fits-all approach is not only ineffective, but may be insulting. Treating each customer as an individual, as their own person, rather than each as “just another customer,” is key. When you listen to each customer’s specific needs, their unique story, distinctive request, or particular budget, an authentic rapport and trust is built. Otherwise, if you treat a customer like they are just another customer, don’t be surprised if they treat your business like it’s just another business. 

Know your market 

Small business leaders all want to believe their business is one that can thrive on word of mouth alone. That may be true for some, but as the number of competitors and consumer options rise, particularly online, most small businesses must depend on robust market analysis in order to gain the competitive edge necessary to grow. There are many criteria to consider in order to optimize and effectively leverage your market knowledge. Along with anecdotal trends, outlines the most important elements of market analysis. If you treat it like a formula for success, market analysis will surely reward your small business with growth.

Customer Experience

With your marketing strategy in place, it’s equally important to focus attention on current clientele. There’s more to the customer experience than just listening to them. Understand and hear what your customers are listening to while conducting business with you. Go above and beyond, no matter how small your small business is. Make your business personal, not merely transactional; offer opportunities and incentives for customer feedback; develop loyalty and reward programs; make purchasing as simple as possible. This is all experience-enhancing and value-building advice from


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